This tool was designed for the archive files that was created by Interactive Vision.
With my tool you can read, extract the content of these archive types, and of course
build them! You can also open the archives to display images in the Image Inspector,
and to display the script files in the IA Vision Scripter.
[Scripts and images]:
My program can edit convert and export the *.pcx images stored in the archives. To display the
content of a script file (*.ini || *.xml || *.txt) or display an image, you do not need to extract the
content of the archives. Supported image formats: (*.pcx || *.png || *.bmp || *.tga).
[Sound files]:
You can also play the audio files (.wav || *.ogg) stored inside the archives with out any extraction.
[Filelist generator]:
You can generate a list of files that was loaded from the archive, and you can export it to see
whether something is missing. It can be useful, if you create or update an archive to see what can
be missing...
[Archive creator]:
This program has a very powerful easy to use archive creator with you can create your
container file fast! Supported formats (*.bin || *.dat || *.htc).
// Installation
To install the tool, please execute the IA Vision Tool.exe file.
// List of supported games. (In this version)
+ Bhunter A.kA. Bounty hunter (full version, Alpha, Beta version)
+ Beyond Pearl Harbor: Pacific Warriors
+ To Serve and Command
// Knowing issues
* There is a *.bsp archive-related issue that causes that we still can not extract the content of the version 2. of the *.bsp archives.
More technical information is needed to update my tool.
This tool works well, but I need to implement functions for other games, especially for To Serve and Command game.
For more information, please visit my website: www.theoutforce.hu