Iam planning to start working on updates for my tools that i already shared with you.
[IA Vision tool]:
This tool was designed for the game Bhunter, but supports other games too that was designed by Interactive Vision company! The version i already shared with you is perfect, but there is an issue with the support of the *.htc archive that used by the game, “To serve and command.
There is a problem with the *.q (quantum compressed archive) as well. Investigation in progress.
This problem will be solved in the upcoming version of the tool soon :)) and it MIGHT be possible that I will add support for other games developed by Interactive Vision!
[O3D engine tool]:
I created a much more powerful tool for the game, The Outforce! It will come with a MapDataEditor tool too!
In addition, my previous tools i created for this game, is redesigned, and implemented in the O3D engine tool! So this will be an all-in one tool!
Iam thinking to start working on an external map editor for the game!!! Before doing this, i need some extrainfo from the guy worked on the *.opf archive, he told me that he can help on me.
[Kobalt Builder]:
I created this tool for the game, Project Nomad. I have the latest gui version of the tool, but I still having some issues with the archive builder. Will be fixed soon, and more options and support for other formats will be implemented!
[Walker Engine tool]:
I designed it for the game, Plat00n developed by Digital Reality Kft. It will support the *.bmod archives. But I need some info from the devs regarding this kind of archive. It might be possible that this tool will support almost all the games developed by Digital Reality Kft!
Thank you very much for your attention and patience!
If you have any question or any problems eith my tools, a bug or issues you want to report, please check my website (www.theoutforce.hu), and just send me an email!
on January 15 2025 18:46:30