This can be any key on the keyboard. To get the name of a key. Write this in the console 'kb_ShowKeys 1'. This will
show all the keys that are pressed.
Note: the console command kb_ShowKeys will show a list of all keys available.
ACTION This can be any of the functions avaliable in The Outforce, including the 'bind' function itself.
Binding Examples
bind("DOWN", "", "k", "echo (\"Hello World!\")";
This binds the key 'k' to the Echo command. The bind will print 'Hello
World!' to the console.
bind("UP", "CONTROL ALT", "G", "echo (\"Eek the Geek!\")";
This binds Control-Alt-G to say 'Eek the Geek!' whenever you press those keys.
Any Outforce command can be used in a script. We will not list them all here, since that can be done from inside The Outforce. To get help about a command just type the command and auto-complete with Shift-Tab, If you only need to see the syntax for the command, press Ctrl-Tab.
Command Examples
Echo(str S)
Prints the string S to the console.
ScreenEcho(str S)
Prints the string S to the screen. Very useful.
Exec(str Filename)
Executes a file with script commands.
ss_UnitArrayMove(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ... XN, YN)
Moves the selected units into a formation around the mouse cursor, occupying all the coordinates entered.
ss_Build(str UnitName, float X, float Y)
Makes a building unit add a building order at X, Y position. The orign of the position is the mouse position.
If all this looks complicated, check the original Outforce scripts. There are some goodies there. Don't be afraid of change those scripts, but make a backup copy of them first!
Matrix says: Go figure!
Foot note: Magnus "Matrix" Auvinen works as a programmer at O3 Games, and claim no affiliations with the movie. He furthermore wishes it to be publically known that he had this nickname long before Mr. Neo Andersson decided to take the pill.