Customizable MP3 Player? Where?
The MP3 playing options can be found under "Music" in the Options menu. where you will be prompted for the path to your MP3 playlist. The playlist is merely a list of MP3 files, including paths. Top
Is this thing 3D or not?
The Outforce uses a real-time 3D graphics engine, and all units and objects in the game are 3D models. Hence, it's 3D. The actual gameplay has a flat battlefield, however, where the player only controls his units in two dimensions. Hence, it's 2D. Top
When is The Outforce going to be released?
The Outforce is already released, but not worldwide. Please refer to your local dealer for release dates. Top
Where are the cheats?
There are no cheats in The Outforce, only development and debugging tools. There is a certain custom variable that has to be set before starting up a game. Top
Where do I put the extractors?
The extractors can only be built upon Resource Spots. They show up on the battlefield like tiny, blue sparkling particles. You can see them as purple indicator dots if SHIFT is held with a MCU selected. They also show up as purple dots on the radar. Top
Why can't I tow the asteroids?
The Tow Ships are primarily used to tow modules. Other objects are not towable, simply because they have no place to attach the tow cable. Top